Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back again!!

Well, the English only classes have finished and the students are settling back into doing some engineering. This morning we went to Stewarts Coffee Factory and the Greenman Beer Factory (don't worry, they didnt' have anything to drink!).

Both of the factories were really informative and gave the students a look at some local talent.

Tomorrow, we're going to be going out onto Logan Park and playing some cricket. The students have already said that they find cricket boring, but nobody has actually played it - I hope that they change their attitude from tomorrow.

There is a video conference with KTC this Friday from 1-3ish, so there is no class in the morning. It is going to be open day at KTC, so any prospective students and parents will be having a look at how classes are taught here at the Poly. The students in KTC will also be asking questions to the students here. This is a very interactive time for both KTC and OP. I hope that it goes well.

The students are also doing well with their English. The TOEIC average score for the test last Friday was 561. This is the highest so far and still with 4 more tests to go!!

I'm also going to be planning a trip to Cadbury's factory in the next week, so I'll keep you posted about this.


Rob 朗武 said...

Hello Mike,

Thank you for keeping this blog. It has been nice to see what the students are up to in New Zealand. You have some good insights, especially in your last post "The Reality". It's something that we in Japan should keep in mind for when they come home. They may not be looking forward to it, but personally I'm excited to meet them for the first time and continue their education. Please give them my regards, as KTC's newest computer teacher!

Mike said...

Thanks for this, Rob. Yes, heading back after a long sojourn like this is always a challenging one, for not only the students, but their families and staff. We actually do a "reverse culture-shock" presentation, just to get the students thinking about what feelings they might go through nearer the time. It would be good to keep in contact to know how it's going when they do arrive back. Cheers, Mike