Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mike's Farewell Party

Friday was Mike's last official day teaching at the Polytechnic, so we had a lunchtime "party". The students had bought flowers and gifts for Mike, and some of the students had been busy making cakes with their host families. Mike's wife made a Japanese curry dish, and our Japanese liaisons provided salad and sushi as well, so we ended up with a real feast!

Mike was really glad to receive so many gifts, and even seemed a little lost for words - very unlike him!

We are all sorry to see Mike finish, and we wish him well in his "new life" in Japan. Perhaps he will still find time occasionally to contribute to this blog??!!

Mike has been such a big presence at the Polytechnic and especially in making the C.E.E programme so successful. I know that it will be impossible to fill his boots, but I hope that I can make some small contribution towards keeping the programme running smoothly. I look forward to everyone's continued support.

I'll put some photos of the party on as soon as I can get some from the students!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Wow, what a surprise to find such a heart-warming entry - thank you, Nathan! It was such a great party and enjoyed by everyone. It was great to see so many smiling faces!
Nathan hasn't got any boots to fill, but rather to put on some new boots. I know that the programme will be successful and be taken to new heights with Nathan at the helm. I'm looking so forward to catching up via the blog further down the track. Good luck and all the best!