Sunday, June 21, 2009

Start, Stop - Expressions

Today, the students got into two lines facing each other.
One line are the homestay parents and one line are the students. The parents have to ask their students, "how was your weekend," or, "how was church," "how was the winter carnival?" etc. One student was the time keeper and had to use the following expressions.

Students are starting to take responsibility for all of the English used in the classroom.

Ok, one minute starting from now.

Ok, stop - well done! um, everybody move around, please.

Ok, please change, um, this line is the homestay parents and this line is the students. Ok, please begin.


Marc said...

What were the expressions you were teaching the students, Michael?

Mike said...

The expressions are written there;

ok, one minute starting from now, etc.

Actually, these are the time keeping and class management expressions - or meta-language. I've written and laminated them on cards and give them to one of the students. All of the students get a turn at this role. You should see how the other class members reformulate and even sometimes evaluate what "should" be said - great "real time" English! In time, I plan to give each student the responsibility of doing my job for a ten minute slot, video record it, and then compare it to a ten minute slot of my own teaching. Hopefully, this will make the students aware of the "phatic" or as you told me "the speech that oils situational English." The students do have "phatic" communion in their own language, but don't seem to transfer it to English. This part of the teaching aims to curb this and hopefully, prevent a lot of the silence that occurs.